A Month Later...
Does this color hurt your eyes? It doesn't mine, but then I can't see it on my actual blog yet. I'll comment on it in a sec. whatcha been up to lately (a lady's way of getting comments...) =) I've been doing the usual literature, Biology, reading for the summer, ect. finishing up school. Ick. Then I'm in the middle of getting ready to go to a civil war ball, and a certian, special, someone's graduation. =) I'm happy. so far my spring/summer is kicking off really well. I have to admit I do need to improve my attitude for the up-coming school year. I have to take my Drivers-ed test, which I'm glad, but then I have to take the PSAT test. Which I'm NOT glad about. I have to go to our local public school to take it, and I only know one person that's going to be there. Not that I'm going to get to talk to her anyways, but still..... For those that have already taken it: is it hard? will I fail? Will I get lost in the actual building before I even take it? HELP!!!! I guess this post is getting a little long, so I'll see you later. Bye!
Your fav. blogger whom you never hardly see.
Your fav. blogger whom you never hardly see.
At 7:16 AM,
Gracie said…
Driver's Ed?? Little Madeliene?? Wowzers. I guess you are only about a year younger than me. :) I haven't taken the PSAT, so I don't know what it's like...
At 9:50 AM,
CherryLimeade said…
I'm not little, I'm the same age as you (almost)! Thanks for commenting!
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