Night in Atlanta
Has anyone ever been to a Symphony or anything like that? Last night was my first. It was really neat, because they had this dude playing the piano. You should've seen his hands go! Oh, and after he would finish playing a piece, or come to a break, then he would throw his hands down off the bench and roll around really hard, I mean so hard that one time, he almost fell off the bench. I'm serious! He was playing on a BIG... GRAND PIANO!!!! I was SO drooling I tell you. I would have given almost ANYTHING to play on that!!! *sigh!* Oh, well. Maybe, someday, someone I know will strike oil, or win the Lottery, or find a gold mine, or become presadent, or something like that. Then they can buy me a grand piano that's tuned up perfectly, and make the little tinkling sounds! I know i'm just dreaming, but it could happen! I knew I should've played the one at Ty's graduation.
By the way, has anyone taken Chemestry or physical science? I'm going to have to take one of those this coming school year, and i want to know which one's easier. Bye!
By the way, has anyone taken Chemestry or physical science? I'm going to have to take one of those this coming school year, and i want to know which one's easier. Bye!
At 8:18 AM,
DonKhan said…
yeah, we've got a pretty spectacular Symphony Orchestra here in Dallas...and their music hall is incredible. I heard them play Copeland just the other was excellent.
At 12:45 PM,
CherryLimeade said…
really? Awesome! I love classical music, don't you? Thanks for commenting!
At 11:16 PM,
DonKhan said…
you're welcome....anytime :)
At 5:55 PM,
Gracie said…
I haven't taken Chemistry yet, but I have taken Physical Science. It really wasn't that hard, I thought. I rather liked it, especially the chemistry part.
Symphonies are very fun to go to. I've been to several, and enjoyed it every time. Though, I have to say that I do get bored of too much classical music.
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