Random Thoughts About Life as it is
Yo! Sorry I haven't posted in a month, but I've been SUPER busy.
Camp was a blast! When I have more time, I will definitly post the lyrics to the C-A-M-P song. I'm with Nate, the funnest night would have to have been Friday, with the exception of Thursday. There's just so much to tell about camp that I can't post it in one day, because there's more than just camp to post about! *sigh* That's the trouble with not having internet. :P
A friend and I started this whole big dancing group thing on friday night (we had to break it up so some people could hop on to bed), and afterwards me and a couple of others sat on the bleachers till, like, two-thirty in the morning. I think I was the first to hit the sack, but I could've stayed up later.
Funny thing happens a lot. When I'm not actually posting, I can think up tons of things to type, but when I am posting, I can't think of hardly a thing!
I do wish camp lasted longer though, because it's the funnest place ever! I put my film in the shop the other day, it had all the pictures of the ball and camp, and now every time I go to get them, the lady can't find them. I hope they didn't lose them.
Guess what? In, like, less than a week I will be eligible to apply for my permit!!! I'm so extremely excited, yet really guilty, because I haven't been study-ing the book like I should be. I am so going to fail. wish me luck!
Today, I was watching CMT while fixing a sandwich, and skin (sarah beth) came on, by Rascal Flatts, and I just stood there and bawled like a big old baby. I'm serious! I had it turned up real loud, and was just standing there with a peanut-butter covered knife in my hand, just bawling. It was nice though. Brought back memories. Good ones- not bad.
The next big thing coming up is Grace chaple's meeting, which I will not be attending. If by some out-of-the-blue, lucky, magnificent, really, utterly, speechless, surprising, something-another comes up, I will probably faint with surprise. If I go, I mean. I think my bro's going, but I'm not sure...
well, I've gotta go, so L8ER DUDES!
Camp was a blast! When I have more time, I will definitly post the lyrics to the C-A-M-P song. I'm with Nate, the funnest night would have to have been Friday, with the exception of Thursday. There's just so much to tell about camp that I can't post it in one day, because there's more than just camp to post about! *sigh* That's the trouble with not having internet. :P
A friend and I started this whole big dancing group thing on friday night (we had to break it up so some people could hop on to bed), and afterwards me and a couple of others sat on the bleachers till, like, two-thirty in the morning. I think I was the first to hit the sack, but I could've stayed up later.
Funny thing happens a lot. When I'm not actually posting, I can think up tons of things to type, but when I am posting, I can't think of hardly a thing!
I do wish camp lasted longer though, because it's the funnest place ever! I put my film in the shop the other day, it had all the pictures of the ball and camp, and now every time I go to get them, the lady can't find them. I hope they didn't lose them.
Guess what? In, like, less than a week I will be eligible to apply for my permit!!! I'm so extremely excited, yet really guilty, because I haven't been study-ing the book like I should be. I am so going to fail. wish me luck!
Today, I was watching CMT while fixing a sandwich, and skin (sarah beth) came on, by Rascal Flatts, and I just stood there and bawled like a big old baby. I'm serious! I had it turned up real loud, and was just standing there with a peanut-butter covered knife in my hand, just bawling. It was nice though. Brought back memories. Good ones- not bad.
The next big thing coming up is Grace chaple's meeting, which I will not be attending. If by some out-of-the-blue, lucky, magnificent, really, utterly, speechless, surprising, something-another comes up, I will probably faint with surprise. If I go, I mean. I think my bro's going, but I'm not sure...
well, I've gotta go, so L8ER DUDES!
At 6:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
yeah....friday night was the funnest night!!!!!
yeah..Sara Beth is a great song...well sad, but great.
why cant you come to our meeting?
well..ill get you the Flatt cds.
see ya when i see ya.
At 2:55 PM,
CherryLimeade said…
I still feel bad about making you sit w/ me the whole dang night. :) I can't go because
1) I've got to work fri.
2) it's the same day as another church in the area's meeting
3) I've been gone quite a bit this summer, so it's someone elses turn. :P
I love all of rascal flatts songs, but skin would have to be one of my fav.
THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH!!! I've been so excited about the cd's so hurry! see ya!
At 6:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yeah..maybe i can think of a way for you to repay me. It ended being the worse night of my life....b/c I flet sorry for you with your ankle and everything. lol..im just kidding....it was lots and lots of fun.
yeah..ill send them with the fulmers.
At 12:30 PM,
joe4444 said…
Camp was awesome!!!!! On your driving test, just remember the colors, red always indicates stopping, yellow indicates yielding, green indicates accelerating, and blue is just some weird signs you find on the interestate, and remember that BAC of .08 or more means your drunk, and you'll do just fine.
Your definently not coming to the GC meeting? Thats just a shame... sorry, maybe next year. I hope they find your pictures. Cya ;)
At 6:15 PM,
Cass said…
hey hun, its okay if you fail the drivers test:-) the first time anyway... I failed it and had to study again! oh well, cuz I have my permit now! yay I'm so happy you came to camp this year! great fun:-D (my smily face is so happy its showing its white teeth, can't you see them!)
At 6:30 PM,
Nomos said…
Come to the meeting! I'm actually going to be in Georgia this weekend, so I hope to see you there, cuz.
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