Inside Maddie's Head

Find out what is inside Maddie's head...

Sunday, June 11, 2006


What makes June so great? Maybe it's the thought that summer's actually here. Or how about Camp? Or maybe it's because you know you don't have to start school for two more months. For me it's also because our pool's finally warming up. For some it may mean parties, Birthdays, friends over for the night, catching Lightning bugs, playing hide-n-seek in the yard, being a kid again, so-forth. Daylight lasts until Nine, You get to sleep late, you don't have to worry about the next Biology or Algebra test, new expectations. For a few of my friends it means summer classes at college, or (including me) summer jobs, working in the garden, all rewarded with different activities (such as civil War Balls and camp). All in all, I think June is my second favorite month!
Later Dudes!