Inside Maddie's Head

Find out what is inside Maddie's head...

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

the wacky so-called "spring break"

Hey everyone!
Guess what I had to do on MY spring break? SCHOOL! Okay, Okay, I know that's not really a spring break, but if I'm at my cousin's house, at camp, why shouldn't it be called a spring break? we had a completely WILD time here! I created this blog (complements to Lydia, Rachel, and most of all, Sarah), we... um.... spilled something and had a grand time trying to clean it up before anyone saw -only to find out we were being watched, and went "exploring" on half their land, half someone else's. All in all we had a marvolous "break". I wish I could've ditched the Algebra though, but that can't be helped. I'm looking forward to reading about everyone else's spring! Later dudes!

Monday, March 13, 2006

I'm here!

Hi! For those of you who don't know me, ask the poe family! J/K! I'll give you some hints. I go to church with the Fulmer family, I know Mercy, and I'm related to the poe family. Call me Maddie, and visit often! Enjoy!